Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How Long Does Hair Have To Me To Be Long

ghozzo on ... I still have a wonderful armchair next to an abandoned box with only the guilt of having the session with a look decidedly 70s (the bad part of the 70s ...) a po'consunta. I remember I begged my husband to stop the car to take that poor sitting abandoned him but unfortunately, not only did not stop but sped up! (Perfido!) I have ever recall something along the way even if sometimes things are left practically new that you could easily recover processed or give to an association, a non-profit organization, ... instead of choosing the easy path of the box. Natural then that I fell in love with these projects
:-) I know that no one is born upholsterer, but for some of these projects just need a bit of good will and perhaps a free weekend!


Discover on how I became ...

If you want to make you one from scratch - for less than € 20.00 - look at this project Ana-White and have fun!

*** *** updated after publication

Viola me correctly points out that enticed the post but then, neither here nor on Curbly has explained how to retrieve a session ... in fact, maybe I gave too much for granted ... the idea of \u200b\u200bthe post was to think before disposing of an object with a proper job redesign, can have new life. I can not help you with detailed tutorial for the chairs of the images (there are) but I can give you these references ...
For the first chair (1) - the most complicated - as well as for the other (2) and (3) is the golden rule: unmount, tracing, recreate, remount , or ...
  • THE CHAIR. There complicated life: choose a seat that does not require a redesign too complicated (at least for the first time!), Nothing more than a good polishing, nothing broken chairs, smashed or removing paint with too much difficulty.
  • THE PATTERN. If the wooden parts are in good condition, must remove with a bit of attention to the fabric of your chair / poltrocina. If you can not be disassembled, carefully cut the edges with a sharp knife. It gives the pieces of various sizes (seat, back, arms, ...) that can be used as patterns for the new coating.
  • CHOOSE THE FABRIC. There complicated life choosing sfoffe too hard to sew, favorite fabrics are cotton / linen, damask or some nice heavy cotton (but not hard!) So that you do not resist wear but also the color crazy :-) is crucial: the more the fabric is dark and enlivened by drawings, the less we will see any imperfections you can also mix colors together (eg the back) to fabric design (for the session.)
  • WHAT IT IS USED. might be useful, in addition to fabric and trimmings to cover the edges of the cloth, a gun-point, (a material to be redone if the interior of the cushions), glue tappeziere.
addition to the coating of fabric, we must understand the state of the chair frame. In the case of the chair (1) just a nice clean and polish the wood, the chair (2) Instead, the intervention is slightly more invasive but not impossible.

  • Obtain the patterns - As the previous explanation. Okkio, leave a few centimeters (you only need 1 / 1, 5) for the seams of the pillow!
  • cushion and arms, cut the foam (density: 30, bloggers recommend the expert) to measure
  • Sew the lining of the pillow and armrests.
  • paste the new stuff on the back, on the arms and bottom of the session, finished the edges by pasting the trimmings.
A nose I would say that here we need sanding and repainting the structure (not looking for perfection, it's more shabby - chic a little 'rustic'). To cushion the above advice applies only here probably the cushion is fixed to a base to where you just play padding the fabric (no sewing) and attach to base with a shot-points.

In this case, if possible, removed the cover, produced the patterns and stitched it all, or covered the existing fabric with new, creating the pattern by taking action and returned on paper to leave Okkio at least 1 cm for seams. For this solution strongly suggest, before sewing, to brush the edges of sfoffa with a zig-zag to keep it from unraveling.

Some useful links ...
Bricolage DIY
Bari J. cover tutorial

PS I think this is the longest in the history of post FiloAgoGo! ;-)


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