Friday, March 18, 2011

Anusol Hemorrhoids Spray

SPRING FESTIVAL, doors open to the nursery for all lovers of the green thumb

Doors open to fans of gardening, horticulture and art of floral design: the weekend of 9 and 10 April , we celebrate together the arrival spring with a full program of events and initiatives to greet the awakening of nature at its most beautiful season.

prepared for the occasion, the showroom and the nursery will house exhibitions, shows and experts nursery intent in providing instructions and advice for the care of the green.

For those who like to embellish its dishes with spices and flavors do-it-yourself route on "The garden ready" provide much information about herbs , vegetables and fruit trees suitable to create a delicious kitchen-garden, while "The lawn is ready" will stage the most innovative solutions to get a carpet of grass in the garden beautiful and above all easy to cure.

Gerani, surfinia and flowering plants of all varieties will color the event dedicated to the protagonists of this season, which will launch visitors a fascinating challenge "The most beautiful corner of Spring in the City" is in fact the competition that, in a few month, the family will see Bartoli deliver rich rewards to those who have been able to build it in your garden or live on terraces and balconies of the house.

Thanks to the participation of the Regional Natural Park of Monte di Campo Ausoni Soriano, a photo exhibition entitled "The Mediterranean" interesting and educational activities will lead to the discovery of shrubs, plants and flowers that draw the beauty of our land.

will be a special thought for those who are about to take the big step: with the "Honeymooners" , Julie and her team of flower design will produce live bouquets, and decorations for the wedding, preferring the colors and trends in fashion for 2011.

closes the festival the wide exposure "The garden is living" with new products and furnishings for living green, in which you will animate a sincere "BBQ Passion" , the large grill with grilled meats and sausages to refresh and still spend a pleasant time with friends and nature lovers.

The appointment is for Saturday and Sunday from 9:30 to 20:30, via del Colle 4 to Terracina. Information: 0773730077

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Do You Wish A 12 Year Old Birthday Saying

Refashion: cardigan for 2

E'proprio true that necessity is the mother of invention.
What if you need a cardigan to match the dress of your child but do not find your size and color you need? Simple: to transform one of your cardigan!
That 's what he did to her daughter Jessica, a really great idea eco-craft!

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instructions and tutorials OhSoHappyTogether

Buy Revlon Illuminator

The land mine

And if capsizing
how to make a sock, fill the ether

citrus and rosemary,

of ringing tambourines and crazy

risotto and spaghetti with meat sauce, and song in
painted blue.

Di I long for golden sunsets and prayers
Desii coveted.


down would be a land of welcome,
to cover the peoples of hope.

I embrace


Metal Core Scooter Bearing

geranium, spring on balconies and terraces

Love the light and is highly tolerant to even high Summer temperatures: this is why, from the early days of March sun, geraniums becomes the protagonist of terraces and balconies.
Red, pink, white, purple and many shades of color, this flower brings spring in every corner of the city, giving great satisfaction to its owner (and owners) house with a green thumb.

In our gardening lesson No 3 , we begin by distinguishing the different varieties : The zonal geranium and geranium macranta , structure, shrub, if we are just place them in pots resting on, the ivy geranium and geranium Paris, growing up in a cascade of flowers down, they are more suitable for containers to be placed on walls or railings.

That said, we will no longer make that distinction, however, no behavior concerns or need to care of plants.

pot, soil and exposure

Now ...
Take the map of geranium and a vessel diameter of about 14 cm , put it to stay in one of at least 25 cm .
First, you have the bottom of a jar of dirt * ¾, place the plant and cover all around, finally taking care of a slight pressure with your hands.

* Favorites a universal soil with pH 6 .

The exhibition, remember that the health of geranium requires a very enlightened position .


immediately after potting watered, and when the water has been absorbed, repeat the process: the double watering is necessary to ensure that the water initially fills all the pores of the earth.

you continue to water the geraniums, whenever you need: there is no better thermometer to measure the need for Water the plant with your fingers feel the humidity or less of the earth!
However, on hot days summer, the frequency can reach 1 time per day while with the arrival of winter clears up to 15-20 days.

PS Always pour the water directly on the ground and not on the leaves or flowers.


dall'invasatura After 10-12 days, it's time to fertilize!
The choice between a liquid or granular fertilizer depends entirely on your habits and preferences, but it is important to respect the time and mode of administration of the product: liquid fertilizer and the granular short sale be given approximately every 10 dd . while in the case of granular long assignment , fertilization may occur even after 3 months .

The ideal fertilizer for the geranium has a significant percentage of potassium, which stimulates abundant bloom!

In composition
A nice alternative to the geranium, say, the solo is the composition in a pot or pan in the company of flowers bidens and Alisso .

If you are ill ...

The geranium is a strong plant. However, there are annoying attacks of insects and fungi.

The unwanted visitors are leafminer larva that eats the inside of the leaves and stem, and the Musket white, greedy early vegetation.
Both are to be treated with an insecticide specifically.

Excess moisture is the cause instead of malbianco : in addition to treatment with fungicide, it is essential to prevention through regular cleaning of leaves and dried flowers.

Walter Bartoli

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Can I Use Expired Broth

A t-shirt 4 hands

Katia is a true creative spirit.
I met through FiloAgoGo and we began to follow each other. Among the many creations, we Katie T-shirts are delicious designs, decorates, transforms (and I love projects that recover and transform things!). It seemed natural to ask if he wanted to make a special project dedicated to all the readers of this blog.
And Katie has done much more: it has created a tutorial with a beautiful surprise guest star, the small joys, his daughter :-)

Me, Katia and joy I dedicate this t- Princess shirt to give you a day from Queens real ;-) and who knows it is not thrown off a nice Prince Charming ...

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instructions and tutorials

Pachanga Vs Morongo Winning Slots


Glamour In the nineteenth century the word was referring to witchcraft or to a story of enchantment. In the 30s to the 50s, is associated to dive with the "factory of dreams." The idea of \u200b\u200bGlamour was associated with both women and men and to their way of life.

cult is just a book written by Carol Dyhouse Glamour. Glamour of the book is about women and its relationship with the fashion and contemporary meaning in this society.

The Glamour Life offers a more decisive for women, affirming the identity of all female as opposed to the figure of a woman submissive all''uomo

The Glamour spans all areas of music, film and fashion. Magazines like Cosmopolitan brought women decided, strong, ambitious, conscious of their strength to be women. Glamour is far from a conventional figure of the woman but it shows how women can be free from any bias

I leave you with this statement that I fully share "What is fashionable is not always Glamour and Glamour was not always fashion "!

A dock


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Space Heater And Sinus Infections


"Living in a creative way we realize
that everything we do
increases the sense of being alive,
to be ourselves,
unique and irreplaceable "

(Donald W. Winnicott)

Today I dedicate this post to a new friend , Ilene of 100% LOVE is a talented creator. I invite you to go to his blog! Thanks Ilene dear heart, for me this award is very important.

As you know I talk a bit about me, I would rather know what you think of me! (Please be lenient)!

I dedicate to you all alike!

you hug
