Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Does A Samsung Blackjack

THE CRAFT OF FLORIST. When the store becomes a showcase of emotions ...

past few years in this part, it happens more and more common for someone to wake up in the morning and, considering the mere fact of possessing a good deal of taste and green thumb, plans to open a flower shop.
The florist, in fact, is a complicated job.

This is the opening words of the interview Emilio Preziosi, florists florist's son who, after having studied and trained in the family, was one of the founders of the School Federfiori and is now a professional in love with their work Pianetafiore , devoted to staff training and the design of the outlets.

What are the skills to successfully work in the floral industry?
Let me switch the example of the writer: to write a best-selling author will not have our dear only had some idea, however brilliant, but has started with going to school to learn the alphabet, grammar, syntax rules and the artifices of rhetoric ...
And again, have read books by other authors, it will be exercised in a long time and has accumulated a heavy baggage of learning experiences. I mean, the inspiration and talent are the personal value that ultimately makes the difference.
Like any artist, however, the florist needs to give her the tools with which to express creativity: a beautiful floral arrangement there are concepts of mathematics and geometry, the wise exercise of the technique of color, and of course the perfect knowledge of the "character" of each flower, which makes it even suitable for a formal style, or decorative vegetation composition rather than a linear or free.

Among his latest creations is the new showroom Bartoli Garden, where his work as a designer and business consultant has been instrumental in renewing the image of the historic hatchery of Terracina.

What are the guidelines for this project?
The flowers are a stimulant and as far as we can stand here and celebrate the benefits and advantages of the purchase, it is clear that it can easily do without.
When people approach the flowers is only one trump card: the emotional impact.
Designing a store today is to build the shelter, wonder of visitors and persuasion.

The showroom Bartoli Garden meets a variety of rules that make it a real showcase of emotions:

Harmony. is the essential element for the client is in a state of serenity and peace of mind that will facilitate the visit of the store and the search for the right product to meet their specific needs.
Dominate the diversity of shapes and colors due all'ingente quantity of flowers, plants and accessories available, creating thematic paths and angles on the basis of colors and styles.

Context. before setting up a shop selling flowers and plants, must be aware that what we sell is exactly what will serve our clients to make more beautiful and welcoming their environment.
Staging actual exposures, where the combination of flowers, plants and furnishings is an expression of the final result that they can get home, garden, office and wherever they choose to furnish the green .

Presentation. A flower in glass vase with a stem and having clean water is one euro more of the same, casually slipped in a common pot of white plastic.
, Make attention to the container and everything that can enhance every single flower or plants: these are small details make a big difference.

Clean. seems obvious, yet it is not. How many times we happened to move a plant and see the horrible left his mark on the floor dirty pot of earth and forgotten there for who knows how long?
Care for cleanliness and order in your store or even in a manic. You
index of precision, reliability and security.

Services services, services . Customer satisfaction is not given only by the beauty of the flower which may decide to buy, but the pleasure to be able to give him the experience in every phase of relationship with us.
greet customers with a smile, talk to them and be generous with information and advice, offer advice, home delivery, after sales service.
listen to the demands and desires of each and organized tailor-made services for you to fulfill them with maximum efficiency.


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