After the success of the Spring Festival, the event is renewed with open doors to lovers of the green thumb, food stands and popular music ...
Saturday, August 7 Bartoli Garden as folklore, for a summer festival to rediscover the taste and spirit of the Pontine bucolic.
The program of events green
To the delight of lovers of gardens and orchards do-it-yourself, visit to the nursery will be enlivened by mini lectures, demonstrations and advice from experts.
from 18:30
The flowers of marriage
colors, floral trends and emotions for the big day
A carpet of grass
ideas and innovative solutions for a beautiful lawn and easy to care
Aquatic plants
lilies, beautiful flowers and plants from ponds and small lakes
The garden is living
furnishings and design objects for living green
The garden at home
herbs, vegetables and fruit trees for a tasty kitchen-garden
The food and wine tour
The summer festival, in perfect style, begins at sunset.
protagonists of travel between the flavors of shops, wine cellars and taverns of the past will be the stands of local firms, which make the excellence of local produce a real business mission: grilled sausages with bread and signed Guido Mele genuine olive oil, truffle cheese and Sara Abate, the wines of Cantina Marina Valle and a sweet pastry sweet spot to reliable conclusions.
Emilio and small symphony of accordions will play songs and ballads to late at night.